
Stylistic Excellence and Vocal Purity

cantoLX is a professional vocal ensemble, based in Luxembourg. The main repertoire consists of baroque music, but also includes renaissance, contemporary and 19th century music. As an ensemble of variable size, cantoLX easily adapts to different repertoires, while taking into account historical research and also taking part in the debate about the number of singers per part. The ensemble’s core soloists guarantees a signature sound, that transpires in its different formations.

The main repertoire consists of baroque music, but also includes renaissance, contemporary and 19th century music.

cantoLX was born in 2010 from the enthusiasm of a couple of singers around the I.N.E.C.C., or Institut Européen de Chant Choral, who invited the Belgian conductor, composer and harpsichordist Frank Agsteribbe to be their first conductor. During its first season, cantoLX presented music by Dietrich Buxtehude, Carlo Gesualdo, Luca Marenzio, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Frantisek Tuma and Jan Dismas Zelenka, at various concert venues in Luxembourg.

The following year the ensemble was already invited to perform at prestigious international festivals such as the MA-Festival in Bruges and the Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht. In 2011, cantoLX also made their first appearance as oratorio choir with the Philharmonic orchestra of Luxembourg in Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem.

Besides developing an international career – with performances in Belgrade, Mechelen, Athens, Catalonia and Takamatsu, among others – cantoLX is firmly anchored in Luxembourg, performing at local festivals and concert venues. Together with Neimënster Abbaye, cantoLX organizes the yearly festival ‘Passions et Lamentations’.

Besides developing an international career cantoLX is firmly anchored in Luxembourg.

Altogether cantoLX released 4 CDs since its creation: Songs of Irrelevance and Passion in 2013, Meta(M)Orpheus in 2015, Oratorio Per la Settimana Santa in 2017 and Flemish Requiem in 2019, and earned a nomination at the International Music Awards.